Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Plastic litter

This is the week we have been waiting for for a while. While my parents were visiting in the beginning of November we brought Milo to the vet and found out he had crystals in his urine. He was put on special food and we bought him a kitty water fountain. Hopefully all of these things have helped. I went to the vet yesterday to pick up more of his food and while I was there they gave me the materials to collect a sample. She gave me a small zip lock baggy of plastic pellets, a urine cup, and a small syringe. The black plastic pellets were to be his litter while we were trying to collect a sample. I guess we couldn't use the normal litter because it might contaminate it or it might sop it all up like our clumpable litter does. When I brought it home Jeff was not having it. He didn't think there was enough pellets there to cover the litter box so he wouldn't go and he thought that Milo would be weirded out by having black plastic pellets instead of litter. I said give him a chance, so we did.

I was afraid he would have an accident and woke up many times during the night wanting to check if he went. He didn't. He finally did though around 10:30am. Yea Milo, I knew you could do it. I got more of a sample than they needed just to make sure they could see what they needed and we wouldn't have to do it again. I unfortunately should have put in a plastic liner before I put his pellets in. That way I could have just lifted the liner out and the litter box would be clean. Instead I had to clean the whole thing. Ew. I missed the odor control scoopable litter. I wish we had a backyard hose, that would have worked wonders. Instead I picked the half of the kitchen sink with a disposal so that it wouldn't stop up the sink. I also febreezed the apartment and will open some windows. Hopefully that will get the smell out. So yea for Milo, we have our sample. I will bring it to the vet before work. It's very handy having the vet so close to work. We should have the results within 24-48 hours. My fingers are crossed.

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